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Hadzhimurat Gatsalov and Bekhan Goygereev will head Russian national team on the World Cup in Los Angeles

Thursday, 06 March 2014, 09:19
Hadzhimurat Gatsalov and Bekhan Goygereev will head Russian national team on the World Cup in Los Angeles

Russian national team on free-style wrestling will perform at the World Cup which will take place on January 15-16 in Los Angeles (USA). Champions-2013 - the Olympic champion, the fivefold world champion Hadzhimurat Gatsalov and the best wrestler of ChW-2013 Bekhan Goygereev will be leaders of a Russian team. The first vice-president of FSBR, the double Olympic champion Arsen Fadzayev reported about this WRESTRUS.RU.

-  A year ago Russian national teams, Iran and the USA held match meetings at the central station of New York, become to one of the central events of campaign of Save Olympic Wrestling, - Arsen Fadzayev reminded.  –  And now they will be the main favourites of the World Cup in Los Angeles.

- Who from wrestlers was a part of Russian national team?

- In our team there are a lot of young wrestlers, debutants whom such masters as Hadzhimurat Gatsalov and Bekhan Goygereev will move in wrestling. These days the national team trains in Novogorsk. In some days will pass control fights then the head coach Mahomed Guseynov calls final structure on the World Cup.

- The minister of sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko visited training of wrestlers in Novogorsk. About what spoke with the minister?

-  Vitaly Leontyevich, noted that wrestlers have a friendly and solid staff.  It warmly and informally addressed children on the World Cup and all Olympic cycle.  In turn the president of FSBR Mikhail Mamiashvili thanked the minister for the conditions created for wrestlers.  It was not the gratitude on duty, and real assessment of the situation.

- In what Minsport's support is specifically shown?

- We will take the same Novogorsk. I trained on this base at the time of the USSR, I remember what it was then. I remember in what the sports infrastructure of the country turned into the 90th. Today Novogorsk is an up-to-date center with all necessary for work, restoration and comfortable accommodation of wrestlers and representatives of other sports. I would deliver to Novogorsk five with plus. Besides now for wrestlers halls on base "the South Sports" in Sochi its branch in Kislovodsk in the conditions of middle mountains are under construction.

- It was succeeded to look at the Olympic Games in Sochi?

- Certainly, I looked, I was ill, and I rejoiced to progress of Russian national team. Our team performed at the house Olympic Games excellent. This victory is natural because the state made everything to revive victorious traditions of domestic sports. Now wrestlers, and other representatives of summer types have to pick up the relay begun by winter roads. We will aspire to it.


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