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The torch of Olympic flame across Chechnya the first will be incurred by Buvaysar Saytiyev

Wednesday, 11 September 2013, 12:00
The torch of Olympic flame across Chechnya the first will be incurred by Buvaysar Saytiyev

The triple Olympic champion in free-style wrestling Buvaysar Saytiyev the first of 170 fakelonosets will incur Olympic flame on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

According to the minister of the Chechen Republic of physical culture and sport of Salambek Ismailov, in torchbearers the most worthy are selected. So, among participants of relay known athletes: Olympic champions Islam Beck Albiyev, Jahmal Otarsultanov, silver prize-winner of Olympic Games Apti Aukhadov, his trainer Hamzat Aukhadov. Except them Arthur Beterbiyev, the owner of the World Cup will take part in relay of Olympic flame on wrestling on belts Rustam Agayev, the world champion in boxing in the WBO version Zaurbek Baysangurov, the world champion on where also to a kickboxing Adam Haliyev, the world champion in a kickboxing Hasan Haliyev, football players of WC Terek Rizvan Utsiyev and Mahomed Mitrishev and others the world champion and Europe on boxing.

"We will accept the Olympic torch of "Sochi-2014" at friends from the next Dagestan and then we will transfer him to representatives of Ingushetia. The further way of Olympic flame will pass through Vladikavkaz, Nalchik, Cherkessk, Maikop, Krasnodar, and on February 7 it deliver in Sochi", - Salambek Ismailov told

According to an official site "Sochi-2014", on October 7 Olympic flame will be delivered to Moscow from Greece. The route of relay is calculated so that about 130 million inhabitants of the country became her direct audience and participants.

Throughout 65 thousand kilometers 14 thousand of torchbearers within 123 days will carry by Olympic flame through 2,9 thousand settlements of all 83 subjects of Russia. In Sochi Olympic flame deliver in the opening day of Games - on February 7, 2014. Considering the country sizes, this relay becomes the most long for all history of the Olympic Games.


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