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The women's team of Yakutia on free-style wrestling needs to pay more attention

Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 11:35
The women's team of Yakutia on free-style wrestling needs to pay more attention

After a grandiose all-command victory of the Yakut freesrylers in the ending of the VI Summer sports contest of pupils of Russia in Penza on July 22 where the greatest contribution, much to astonishment of all, the girls having in comparison with young men scanty financing brought, a situation heads of team of girls commented.

Senior coach of the team of girls K.Kolodeznikov:

- Kim Kimovich, you were the senior coach of the team of girls in all previous sports contests. In what difference of this sports contest?

- If sports contests we participated in the previous endings of four (in the first sports contest of the girl didn't participate) only with one or two participants, this year we to a carpet of the ending of the sixth sports contest had 8 participants that in itself already record indicator for all history of sports contests.

- Before the young man there were the first in a command result, and girls, despite brilliant victories on Ekaterina Melnikova, Anastasia Shchavlinskoy, Lina Myreeva, Nyurguyaana Sorkomova sports contests twice, in a command result never were in the three of prize-winners?

- First, despite all difficulties, today we uniform team, and "not one in the field the soldier" as was on the previous sports contests. Secondly, since the fifth sports contest of 2011, the command result is brought by summary results of young men and girls, and before the result was always brought separately among young men and girls.

- And in the fifth sports contest of 2011 of the girl, for the first time without having won any medal, brought team of the republic which for the first time has appeared behind line of teams prize-winners (the fourth place).

- Yes, so it also was, but it is sports: then young men were better, and today we. Here therefore I would like that the management would pay even more attention to female wrestling.

- For example, to that?

- For example, in the republic there is no good sports school with a boarding school, working with girls, there are no girls at us and trainers and in School of the Olympic reserve therefore to the girls who have shown good results at school age, further there is no place to increase the qualification, to improve skill, as a result the majority of them in the blossoming of forces disappear in anywhere.

Chief of team of girls, trainer of Ust-Aldansky DYuSSh S Tcherkashin:

- Semen Petrovitch, you counted on such success, how an all-command victory?

- Among ending participating teams our team was the most numerous - eight young men and eight girls that gave the chance to us to apply for the highest command places really.

- However after the first day nobody thought, likely, of the first place?

- Yes, it is valid, results of the first day were depressing: after performance of five young men and four girls we won only one bronze medal (Stepan Semenov) and borrowed the six fifth places.

- And what undertook?

- Held general meeting with unpleasant remarks to young athletes in the evening, brought up questions of concentration, patriotism in each wrestling, responsibility of everyone before the republic.

- Worked?

- Yes, to our pleasure, the second day became much more successful, than the first though we, trainers of the female national team, pinned the main hopes on the girls who have come to a carpet in the second day.

- What would like to tell in summary?

- Unambiguously, girls showed worthy result, in it is a contribution and their first trainers, some of them helped us and with Penza. Considering that the all-command result is removed by results of young men and girls, there is a wish that in the future the management paid more attention to female wrestling, girls and trainers business proved that they that stand.

Text: Innokenti Ptitsyn


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