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In Dneprodzerzhinsk took place All-Ukrainian tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling

Tuesday, 01 April 2014, 11:06
In Dneprodzerzhinsk took place All-Ukrainian tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling

Two days competed participants of the VIII All-Ukrainian tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling on prizes of the Supreme ataman of Ukraine and diaspora, the marshal of the Cossacks Dmitry Sagaydak.

Under sounds of the Cossack march for parade there were the athletes representing teams of 11 cities of our country.

Opening competitions, the marshal of the Cossacks Dmitry Sagaydak noted that their organization always supported and will help further to athletes wrestlers.

Guests of honor of tournament wished to young athletes inspiration and thirst to victories: Honourable citizen of Dneprodzerzhinsk Lev Ezhevsky, chairman of city federation of wrestling Yury Yeliseyev.

The deputy director of department of youth and sports Nadezhda Vasilyeva announced a greeting from the mayor.

"Sports were at all times a major factor of patriotic education of youth. And now it is actual, more than ever. Bright victories and adequately to prove at competitions", - one of sponsors and organizers of tournament, the public figure Maky Golosna told.

Before the present children of model choreographic team "Dneprovsky Dawns" of UVK "Harmony" showed the talents.

Two days the judiciary board led by Yury Nikitenko defined strong and dexterous among nearly hundred wrestlers representing 11 cities of Ukraine.

"Nine years ago we wanted to carry out any open championship of the city in wrestling, having invited teams from other cities, - Yu.Nikitenko tells. - But everything depended on finance. I addressed to the business owner Alexander Skripnik. Together we determined the sum, made the estimate. In a year when the first tournament took place, the most young participants of present competitions weren't born yet. At first wrestlers from four teams acted. Constantly the geography of participants of competitions extended. To us there came athletes from the cities of the Western, Central, East Ukraine, ARE the Crimea. In present tournament because of an unstable situation not everyone could arrive to Dneprodzerzhinsk. Though children from Simferopol were going to participate in competitions, but on the eve of opening called and reported that won't be able to arrive. Now in Kremenchug passes the championship of Ukraine on cadets which had to take place 2 weeks ago (it transferred from Lugansk. - a comment. the author) therefore many teams decided to act there".

Some children from structure of the first competitions now work as judges, in particular, Yaroslav Stefansky. By the way, his younger brother Boris directly came to a carpet on this tournament. Armand Iessaian once started acting in weight category of 32 kg, and already fights in the weight of 74 kg.

The old resident of competitions is the participant of the first tournament Andrey Deyneka. This time it carried out only one wrestling with the rival from Verkhnedneprovsk. "I left, раздергал it, I applied the crown reception, having got after a throw of 5 points, - simply and modestly Andrey tells about the early victory. - This tournament became for me a preparatory stage to the championship of Ukraine which will take place on April 9. Recently I carried out collecting in Alushta. Certainly, the trauma still has an effect. I am restored. But the love to wrestling gets the best. On two trainings in the day, six times a week I take in Dneprodzerzhinsk and in Dnepropetrovsk". Andrey of dock both in sports, and in study. Not for nothing he, the pupil of Dneprodzerzhinsk industrial college, is the regional scholar.

Except Andrey Deyneki our city was represented already known for the victories at many competitions by pupils of trainers Evgeny Lyuty, Vladislav Lapshik, Nikolay Radchenko, Leonid Sotnik, Yury Nikitenko - Alexander Kipen, Eduard Bodrov, Maxim Smirnov, Daniil Makeev.

On tournament Dneprodzerzhinsk wrestlers, having won 5 gold, 7 silver and 9 bronze awards, brought the national team to the first place. Respectively, the national team of Konotop which the second time acted in the city, and Krivoi Rog got the second and third places.

Winners of competitions awarded with cups and medals.


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